mr. bailey’s minder
by debra oswald
Ensemble Theatre 2023
Director Damien Ryan
Set/Costume Designer Soham Apte
Lighting Designer Morgan Moroney
Sound Designer/Composer Daryl Wallis
Assistant Director Margaret Thanos
with John Gaden AO, Rachel Gordon,
Albert Mwangi, Claudia Ware
“Lights by Morgan Moroney are remarkable for
subtle and astute calibrations that ease us through
constant vacillations between comedy and drama.”
“Utilising Morgan Moroney’s lighting design, a
kaleidoscope of colour is thrown across the stage
onto blank canvas, thunder becomes eerily real,
and Leo’s artistic beauty and madness is smeared
across the walls. It’s a gorgeous pairing of creative
minds that captivates as well as creates the realism
needed to draw in the audience.”
Justin Clarke, Theatre Thoughts

Production Stills by Prudence Upton / July 2023